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New! The Class Pass

5Class Pass

*Valid  2 months from purchase date*

10Class Pass

*Valid  4 months from purchase date*

Drop in Price: $30 

Cash at the door

Why a class pass?

This year my costs have increased and I recognised the need to raise my prices. Rather than an across the board price increase I looked at different models and decided that what I wanted to emulate was the yoga studio model. Yogis have long accepted that yoga is a practice that needs to be done regularly to harness the benefits, and the price of the class passes is used to incentivise commitment, by making it more financially viable for the student, the more classes they commit to. 

Why commit to the 5Rhythms® practice?!

This past year I began running committed groups, where students turned up every week to the practice. I was blown away to witness the depth of personal transformation that students experienced just within 6 weeks. Just as with anything that we want to achieve mastery at, it requires the commitment to keep showing up over time. When a group of people show up to the 5Rhythms as a practice, the benefits are multiplied because of the power of the community aspect of this practice. THIS is the type of work that I am taking a stand for!



*Exceptions are made on an individual basis for unexpected life circumstances, so be in touch if needed!

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