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Applied Movement Practice
Bring your Body to Life

Have you had a powerful experience with conscious dance, but don’t have a regular practice due to obstacles like time/distance? 


Do you find yourself on the treadmill of life, wishing to be more connected to what truly matters for YOU?


Do you wish you had structure and accountability to create a personal practice so you could take the benefits you’ve experienced in dance to the next level? 


Let me tell you this: it’s NOT JUST YOU.









I’ve been teaching embodiment and mindfulness practices for more than a decade, and one of the most frequent comments that I hear from people is: “I feel SO GREAT when I’m practicing…but I don’t have the time/money/availability to come everyday. I wish I had the commitment/discipline/structure to have my own daily practice."


Whether it’s yoga, sitting meditation, conscious dance, etc. a daily practice is where we learn to go deep, where we learn to integrate these practices into our daily life and cultivate more beneficial habits. The flow on effects of a committed daily practice are HUGE.


It makes sense to us that to be on top of your game as an athlete you need to practice, but what about on top of your stress resilience game? Or your emotional intelligence game?



What is the course about?


The development of this course is a culmination of my diverse personal and professional experience; my training in yoga, anatomy and mindfulness, my years of facilitating coaching and communication training, studies in positive psychology and evidence-based behavior change models, 19 years of immersion in shamanic practices and study, along with my background in dance, and particularly the 5Rhythms map.


With over 10 years of coaching people on creating new habits, I have identified some common threads in terms of obstacles that people face in cultivating a daily practice, and some ways of addressing these obstacles. Created from evidence-based behavior change theory, group coaching models as well as my personal and professional experience, this course is designed to support you with the best structure and accountability methods to support you to establish a lasting daily practice. 

Are you ready to join us? Book here! Or keep reading...

What are some of the benefits of a daily practice?

For me personally, my daily embodiment practice gives me the chance to gain awareness + integrate. Without a way to integrate the information that I receive it simply overwhelms me, or becomes another stick to measure myself against.


It is through my daily practice that I’ve learned to digest & integrate so that my daily life shifts.


As a result of my daily practice I to create new habits, live more fully my life purpose, to be less triggered by my partner, to be a better mother, a better human being.


As legitimate results from your daily practice, you can also expect to get:

  • Improved fitness (Mental, Emotional, Physical, even Spiritual)

  • Greater mental clarity/alignment

  • More focus

  • Better balance

  • A simpler process for decision making

  • Building the muscle of commitment

  • More emotional resilience

  • A sense of calm

  • The ease of mindfulness/presence to take into your day

  • The flow on effect of better choices about food, sleep, use of technology, all sorts of lifestyle/behaviours that you can begin to turn into habits.



What does a realistic daily practice look like?


First up, you need to find your own secret recipe.


Each person is different, so a big part of this course is designed to you to select the specific ingredients you’ll need for your practice, look at some of the common obstacles that arise in cultivating the habit of daily practice, and help you identify your main strengths that will support you to keep going, even when obstacles arise. The course also provides you with the structure and accountability, which is essential to create the commitment at first when you haven’t yet experienced the powerful outcomes of a daily practice. 


All I need 15-60 minutes per day in my own space (or outdoors!!). All I need is my music (some people don’t even use music!)


How Can You Create Your Own Practice?


After 10 years of my own practice and 7 years helping others craft theirs, I have created a more structured approach that can help everyone develop their own secret recipe for integration.


It’s called the Applied Movement Practice.


The Applied Movement Practice is a 6-week program that takes you through finding the motivation, the tools and the resources you will need to develop your own practice. It highlights the common obstacles and identifies resources for overcoming yourobstacles, identifies your personal strengths, offers you support and accountability, and most importantly taps you into a growing & authentic community of people who are interested in doing the same.


Within 21 days, you will start to experience the benefits in your physical health & fitness, decrease in emotional reactivity, and a sense of energetic/emotional resilience.


Within 83 days, you’ll likely have an automated habit that will keep on giving.




Open Practice participants will receive:


  • Weekly videos with information and resources


Designed to offer you ingredients you will need to cultivate your practice 


  • Weekly music medicine mix 


A dance mix sp that you can catalyze, activate, move through, settle and integrate some of this information with some powerful music medicine…need I say more?


  • ​Reflective exercises & Journal prompts 


Offering you invitations to explore cognitively and creatively how this theme shows up in your life, linking the hemispheres of the brain


  • Fortnightly group coaching sessions on Zoom (if you’re unable to attend on the date, you’ll have access to the in your inbox.)


Giving you a space to problem-solve anything that comes up along the way, with my support and the accountability of a group coaching process, as well as a share and celebrate success.



  • Access to the online community


Where you can stay connected, share inspiration, find resources and motivation from your community



VIP- Supported Practice


For those who wish to up-level this program even further there is the option of a second tier of Supported Practice, which contains all the resources of Open Practice,  plus two sessions of personalised Embodiment Coaching to help you apply these themes specifically to your life and examine any obstacles that arise along your particular path.


People who take up this tier are those who like to get their hands in the clay, test the theories in their experience and are not afraid to dive deep to seek their hidden treasures!




Applied Movement Practice -6 week program

*Special first edition price~ $195 Early Bird (until 21st July)

$225 until 28th July


VIP-Supported Practice (all of the above 6 week program plus 2 individual coaching sessions).


$395 early Bird Price

$425 until 28th July


Group Coaching Session Dates


Sunday 4th August 10 am (Melb AEST)

Sunday 18th August 10 am (Melb AEST)

Sunday 8th September 10am ( Melb AEST)


Booking Info:


Bookings open 9th July and close on 28th July, so BOOK NOW to obtain the early bird price

**Bookings are non-refundable and non-transferrable, given that this program can be downloaded and accessed at any time.



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