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From the still point, a new way of moving arises

From the still point, a new way of moving arises

I don't know how it goes for you but for me the end of the year seems to come with a certain type of frenetic energy that winds me up into a bit of a frenzy! I watched my children get wound up in presents, social gatherings and "special times", and got to a point where all I wanted was just to STOP. Thankfully, I was invited to offer 5Rhythms at the Renaissance Festival for the end of the year and got to spend the last 3 days in nature. I danced with my feet on this red earth, slept on the earth, walked barefoot on the earth, wept to the trees, prayed to the fire and finally, I found my way back to my centre. From this still point, in my centre, I can listen clearly to my own impulses, I can feel gratitude for the present moment, rather than just thinking about what's next. I can forgive myself for my impatience and my frustration, for the ways I have hurt others, knowingly and unknowingly, and thus I can forgive others for the same. I can also see from this place what a crazy world we live in, where a certain type of pace is expected (demanded?) of us, one that leaves me breathless and without time and space to pause and respond to life's demands. I've been profoundly affected by this space of stillness that I've been gifted with, and can already see a difference in how my dance (and thus my teaching) arises out of it. I'm looking forward to meeting you in this place

January Special Class Sunday Classes begin this week, AND in addition given that most other 5Rhythms are cancelled in January, I'm running a Tuesday Sweat Your Prayers the first 4 Tuesdays in January at the Angling Club 7:30-9:30pm. That means we start tomorrow! Please note for the Sweat Series the door price will be $20 cash, otherwise you have the option of booking all 4 sessions in advance for a special price of $60 for 4 sessions. Booking link is here

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